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Looking to buy a new property?

Then you'll need to organise a thorough building survey from one of our experienced chartered surveyors. A building survey is a visual inspection of the building, as well as its services and grounds.


Our chartered surveyors will perform a thorough check of the property. We will then provide you with a detailed report which lists things such as defects, cost of repairs, as well as anything else that could be concerning for you as the owner.


We can provide you with a flexible building survey service that can be changed to meet your requirements, including specialist reports on items such as the drainage. To organise your building survey, give us a call today.

To receive additional information regarding any of our services or products, contact:

020 8761 5444


For sales enquiries:


Laundon Associates

40 Glennie Road,


SE27 0LY


Contact us

Choose our building surveys when you are:

• Buying a property

• Selling a property

• Renting or leasing a property

• Buying insurance

• Conducting safety reviews

• Planning to modify your building

• Working out property maintenance budgets

• Available for domestic and commercial customers

Property for sale sign outside a white house Row of red and white semi detached houses